Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Church



There will be additions to this new website in coming months. Meantime, please don’t hesitate to be in touch for any inquiry.

Our Lady Queen of Peace Catholic Parish welcomes people new to the area, regular worshippers or those who’ve been away for a while, as well as people of any story or faith background. We all belong in God’s mission of goodness.


With friendship - Fr Paul Roberts and team

Weekly Mass Times & Reconciliation

Weekday Masses

Wednesday and Friday 6:30am

Monday to Friday 9:15am
Rosary every Friday night at 7:30pm in the Church

Weekend Masses

Saturday 5:00pm (live-streamed)
Sunday 7:00am / 8:30am / 10:30am / 6:00pm

Special Monthly Masses - All Welcome

First Saturdays 10.30am - Mass for Peace - followed by Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick

Last Tuesdays 7.00pm - Remembering Loved Ones (public mention of 1st anniversary and recent loss)


Saturday 4:00pm – 4:45pm


As a parish team we look forward to supporting you however we are able as you prepare and guide your children in the next steps of their sacramental lives of faith. Explore the sacraments and their preparation times for this year by clicking below and to enroll.

Diocesan News

Loving your own Church and your neighbour’s Church as well

We share this in common: one beginning, one nature, one earth, one sky, one law of gravity, one fragility, one earthly mortality, one desire, one aim, one destiny, one road, one God, one Jesus, one Christ, one Holy Spirit. And that brings with it both an invitation and an imperative: love your own church and love your neighbor’s church as well. [...]

Pope at Singapore Mass: Love is the centre of the Gospel

During Mass at the National Stadium in Singapore, Pope Francis reminds the faithful that love is at the foundation of all that we are and do. [...]

Perth’s The Record Magazine claims top prize at national Catholic media awards

The Archdiocese of Perth’s The Record Magazine has been honoured as recipients of the top award at the 2024 Australasian Catholic Press Association (ACPA) Annual Awards Night [...]


Parish Priest: Fr. Paul Roberts

Parish Office: 198 Old Prospect Road, Greystanes, NSW 2145

(02) 9631 8135 | Emergency 0447 509 207

Parish Office Hours:
Monday to Friday: 9am – 1pm I 2pm – 4pm

Email: parishoffice@olqp.org.au